Frankston North Rotary has adopted Ballam Park to eradicate graffiti and maintain the bollards. Members of Frankston North Rotary regularly remove graffiti and have students from a local secondary school assist us in this task.
Frankston Hospital Rock Garden
Frankston North Rotary has planted a rock garden at the entrance to Frankston Hospital which the club will maintain.
Frankston North Community Garden Project
Frankston North Rotary is partnering with Frankston Council and the Frankston North Men’s Shed to refurbish a dilapidated shed in the community to transfer it into a change room with toilets, a kitchen and storage area.
Community Day BBQ
Peninsular Link Community Day BBQ
On Sunday 25 November 2012, Peninsula Link held a Community Day. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to walk on Peninsula Link before it opened to traffic in early 2013.
There were more than 20 stalls providing information about the project, as well as local businesses and community groups.
Frankston North Rotary held a fund-raising BBQ where Members and Friends of Rotary helped raise much needed funds which will go towards local and overseas community projects.
Garden Bed Project
Monterey Secondary College Garden Bed Project
Frankston North Rotary liaised with Ardoch Youth Foundation, to build garden beds for the year 9 and 10 students of Monterey Secondary.
The garden beds are designed to assist the students learn and develop their own vegetable garden. The students learn about companion planting, composting and maintaining a healthy garden. The students also learn healthy eating choices as the produce from their gardens are used in their cooking classes.
The produce is also used to make lunch for students who regularly do not have their own lunch from home. It is hoped, as seen with similar projects, that the students will go home and encourage their parents to start their own vegetable gardens.